Labels:book | box | bulletin board | chair | person | poster | sculpture | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: Moich Edition Metate Content Highlights for March Investing Jn You Future: Advice from the National Association of Investors Carporgtion Invest plus money management software demos [ComputerWare: Feature] Three timely Tampoons from National Public Radio' Soundbites [Entertainment: Your Future Have Performing close Arts] encounter 141 UFO iIndustry News: Interact tions Need personal banker? with Watch: Product Video perforrmance of "The Intersection' b Celestiol Navigations [Entertainment An investment advisor? Performing Arts] Turn to your personal Five great application launching utilities [ComputerWare: HighFive] compu iter Multimedia report on last summer' Midwest Flood [Education: Reference Library] Our feature this month introduces YOU ta investment services and software yOU con use t ...